General Meeting


Officers in Attendance:

 Michael Anderson, ACAA President; James Koscielniak, ACAA Vice President;
Sally Day (1985), ACAA Treasurer and Foundation Secretary; Randy Polovick (1981), ACAA Director;
Aundrea Cika-Heschmeyer (1985), ACAA Director; Celeste “Mickie” Mickiewicz (1967), ACAA Officer ExOfficio; Les Rachocki (1967), ACAA Assistant Treasurer and Foundation Treasurer; Basia Adams (184),
Director and Foundation Vice President; Richard Day (1985), President of Alliance College Alumni
Association Foundation (Foundation); Selene (Erickson) Szczepanek (1985), ACAA Parlimentarian.

Alumni in Attendance:

Al Purzycki (1977); Cathy (Zielinski) Purzycki (1977); Marcia Pilkiewicz (1975);
Jolanta (Kijakowska) Taylor (1969); Mel Kman (1962); Helene (Strzelecki) Rose (1969); Kathy
(Strzelecki) Branscomb (1969); Paul Pietroski (1981); Yvonne Tuchalski (1980); Susia (Burgess)
Styborski (1983); Carole Borak (1966); Stanley J. Saladyga, Jr. (1971); Michaelina Saladyga (1972);
Regina Jaworski (1970); Mary Zuk-Domanski (1968); Anna T. Berry (1983); Joanne Kusmierek (1963);
Irene Gramya (1965); David Matejczyk (1980); Michael Quinn (1976); Ed Mohylowski (1976); Louis P.
Sitnik (1986); Helen Tueffel (1980); Lori Neese Kolin (1987); Roberta (May) Polovick (1981); George

Alumni also attended via zoom.

The meeting was called to order with Michael Anderson, President, presiding.
Sally Day, Treasurer of the Association, gave the Treasurer’s report.

Reunion payments $19,800

Dues collected $ 1,900 


 Paypal fees $400 (approx.) 

Website maint. $1000/year

 PO Box $ 150/year

 $ 380/year

Website maintenance fees, PO Box cost, and Quickbooks fees are annual expenses totaling about $1500 per year. These fees are required to maintain the organization. The only income is reunion payments and activities, and dues collected. We hope to raise additional funds through the raffles held at the Saturday events. Payments for the reunion weekend costs have not been paid yet. Sally will have final figures after the weekend is over.

Michael Anderson reviewed the ACAA mission. It is not just to plan events for the reunion. He asked the audience to provide ideas and thoughts on providing a strong future for the organization. Jim Koscielniak spoke about supporting a seed organization between Department of Conservation
(DOC) and ACAA to spread Polish pines and the legacy of Alliance College. Also suggested sponsoring an exchange program with Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Many in the audience spoke in support of this idea and how it could be pursued.

Helen Tueffel spoke about the Polish pines project. The pinecones of the Norway Spruce trees that are a part of the Alliance College campus are being collected and planted to become new trees. There are some pots available today at a cost of $30. Helen and David Mateyczyk recently toured the grounds accompanied by DOC personnel. David then spoke about the Alliance College legacy and provided more information about their recent tour. They were not allowed to take pictures but they saw the bridges and found the grotto. He emphasized the opportunity for this project to provide a legacy for years to come. Other members of the audience spoke about ways to spread the Polish pines project such as taking trees to PNA camp, and possibly PNA in Chicago. Regina Jaworski reported she was in Krakow three years ago and shared that associates at Jagiellonian University are interested in working with us starting something to keep Alliance College alive. She volunteered to keep communication with them to pursue this. Regina also spoke about making connections with Polish National Archives and Catholic University at Warsaw in efforts to preserve legacy of Alliance College.

Richard Day suggested the PNA in Chicago be considered as a possibility to house the Alliance College artifacts.

Ed Mohylowski suggested to work with Kosciuszko Foundation, the original source of the venture between Alliance College and Jagiellonian University.

Les Rachocki suggested Regina and Jim come together to research a joint venture between Alliance College and Jagiellonian University to include topics such as costs, and groups to help support the project.

Basia Adams reported the director of Jagiellonian University was one of her professors and agreed to be a conduit to a collaboration between ACAA and Jagiellonian University. She suggested a visit to Jagiellonian University next summer if a group trip is feasible.

Susia Burgess Styborski spoke about ways to increase communication between alumni and ACCA and Alliance College Foundation. Some Alliance friends do not receive any communication from ACAA or even know about AC activities. She works with a program “People Finder” for her high school reunion committee. The program costs $20/month and she would be willing to try to find “lost” alumni and reach out to them to pursue their possible interest in re-connecting. Mickie Mickiewicz spoke up that she maintains the database for the alumni and she would share the information she has with Susia. Michael Anderson read a message sent by zoom attendee, Larry Kozlowski, suggesting to bond with University of Pittsburgh because they hold the artifacts from Alliance College. Many in audience spoke on the topic. The books have been viewed in the basement. Ben Kman reported he has helped move books and they were shelved in Hillman Library at Pitt. Yvonne Tuchalski reported that on a recent visit the books were not shelved as they were not being used. Yvonne agreed to share information with Ben. Larry Kozlowski spoke via zoom about several topics for follow-up to preserve the legacy of Alliance College.

Basia Adams reported her contacts with Polish National Alliance (PNA) have all been favorable and they are open to publishing articles in the Zgoda, their newspaper. PNA donated pens for the alumni lanyards for this weekend.

Michael Anderson reported that the Officers will meet in the coming weeks to have a recap of todays meeting to further discuss these ideas.

Elections were held with Mickie Mickiewicz presiding. Selene Szczepanek assisted. During the election  process a motion was made by Susia Burgess Styborski to expand Directors to include 2 for 2026 term and 2 for 2028 term. Second by Selene Szczepanek. Motion passed.

The election results are as follows:
President Michael Anderson
Vice President James Koscielniak
Secretary Susia Burgess Styborski
Treasurer Ed Mohylowski
Directors Louis Sitnik (2028)
Marcia Pilkiewicz (2028)
Lori Neese Kolin (2026)
Directors continuing in place through the end of their current terms include:
Randy Polovick (2024)
Aundrea Cika-Heschmeyer (2026)
Sally Day reported interest in serving as Assistant Treasurer as Les Rachocki is moving to North
Carolina soon. Assistant Treasurer is an appointed position.
Motion to adjourn was made by Selene Szczepanek, seconded by Mickie Mickiewicz. Meeting adjourned
at 12:38 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Susia Burgess Styborski, Secreta

Board Of Directors


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