General Meeting
Quarterly Meeting January 14, 2025
Officers in Attendance:
Michael Anderson (1978), ACAA President; Aundre’a Cika-Heschmeyer (1985), ACAA Vice President; Louis Sitnik, (1986), ACAA Treasurer; Susia (Burgess) Styborski (1983), ACAA Secretary; Marcia Pilkiewicz (1975), ACAA Director and Membership Chair; Randy Polovick (1981), ACAA Director; Kathy (Polanski) Noce (1982), Director; Mary Ann Posanski (1976), Director; Lori Neese Kolin (1987), ACAA Director, Richard Day (1985), Chair of Alliance College Alumni Association Foundation.
Alumni in attendance: Roberta Polovick, Helen Tueffel, Joan Tabor
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by Michael Anderson, President. President Anderson welcomed everyone with extra thanks given to the alumni attending the first quarterly open meeting. President Anderson explained the Board has been working with a high level of energy and in addition to focusing on the upgrade of the website and membership enrollment and engagement has wholeheartedly developed a schedule of quarterly open meetings based on discussions at the 2024 reunion and following the reunion through survey feedback indicating that alumni would be interested in more Board engagement. Quarterly meetings are scheduled for 2025 as follows: January 14, April 8, July 8, October 14.
Introductions of the officers and directors were given.
The minutes of August 23, 2024 were distributed via email to all officers and directors and posted on the ACAA website ( A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Director Kathy Noce, seconded by Treasurer Lou Sitnik. Motion carried.
Treasurer Louis Sitnik reported he took over as Treasurer in September 2024 following elections at the 2024 reunion. Cash position as of January 13, 2025 is $2693.76 in checking; $15,512.06 in savings for a total of $18,115.82. Revenue of $1345.00 from dues since the reunion, and $1437.38 from merchandise sales. Expenses include: $159.90 annual Zoom license; $563.43 Quickbooks subscription; $1963.50 Marquee Creative for marketing activities including web redesign; and $56.08 Paypal fees. The Board recognized Director Mary Ann Posanski for her generous donation of seed money to the merchandise project.
MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT (Marcia Pilkiewicz Membership Committee chairperson)
Director Marcia Pilkiewicz reported 78 total paid memberships, including 4 one-year memberships, 52 two year memberships, and 22 lifetime memberships. Director Pilkiewicz added that alumni should be aware that membership dues provides for: content and maintenance of website (; delivery of alumni engagement content through social media platforms; cover costs associated with Alliance College memorabilia; reunion venue deposits; and other miscellaneous expenses as noted in Treasurer report. Reminders to renew will be sent to those alumni that had 1 year memberships and are now expired. Memberships can be paid to Marcia via the website or to her mailing address, Marcia Pilkiewicz, 1252 Woodcrest Circle, Bloomfield Township, MI 48304.
WEBSITE (Committee: Randy Polovick, Kathy Noce, Aundre’a Cika Heschmeyer, Mike Anderson)
Director Randy Polovick reported the website committee continues to meet and are researching other websites to see what premier websites look like. It is the hope that continued improvements to the website will raise the content and features to that of other premier websites, while at the same time being user friendly to our alumni population. We are working with Marquee Creatives, led by alumni Aundre’a Cika Heschmeyer, and have developed a menu of things that can be done to improve the website with a quoted cost of $5100. With the limited ACAA funds, the Board has prioritized one item from the menu; making the website user friendly including use of the membership directory. Director Kathy Noce commented on the value of our relationship with Marquee Creatives is immeasurable as her broad experience and expertise in the field of IT and web development recognizes the costs that we would be facing to do the same web activities with any other agency.
President Mike Anderson that we are establishing donor sponsorships of the upgrade of the website with four levels designated as follows: Platinum at $1000, Gold at $500, Silver at $250, and Bronze at $100. President Anderson has made the first pledge at the Platinum level to begin the initiative, and he has received word from a fellow alumni that will also be pledging at the Platinum level. Checks should be made payable to Alliance College Alumni Association and mailed to Louis Sitnik at 16939 Horn Point Dr., Gaithersburg MD 20878.
Alumni Helen Tueffel recommended we consider a capital campaign to the current mailing list.
Vice President Aundre’a Cika Heschmeyer reported a monthly newsletter is being sent to our master list. Each newsletter contains a message from the President, merchandise purchasing information, and updates from the ACAA Foundation. Analytics provided by Marquee Creatives show encouraging numbers with very high “open” numbers 50-60% which is not a level reached with many newsletter distributions. Alumni Helen Tueffel reported she has lists of friends we may have to reach out to personally with these initiatives as they are unaware of them. She also recommended that the invites for the quarterly meetings be sent out ahead of each meeting.
2026 REUNION (Roberta Polovick chairperson)
Alumni Roberta Polovick reported the 2026 ACAA Reunion is secured for the Sheraton Bayfront on October 23-25, 2026. All activities will be based out of the Sheraton Bayfront property which is in response we received from feedback showing the logistics of using the Convention Center for some activities which created distance concerns for some alumni and general inconvenience for most. We have a quoted cost of $179 for room rates which is the same as 2024 rates we were given. “Save the Date” notifications will be going out soon to alumni.
2025 REUNION (2025 reunion team Aundre’a Cika Heschmeyer, Randy Polovick, Marcia Pilkiewicz, Kathy Noce)
A reunion in Philadelphia in October of 2025 is in the planning stages. This would be a casual event pairing it with the Pulaski Day celebrations held the weekend of October 3-5. We would hold the annual meeting at this time as well. More details to come soon.
An exit strategy is a proactive document that high functioning businesses and organizations develop and maintain. The Board has begun work on a draft Legacy Preservation document and will be having a focused meeting at the February 2025 Board of Directors meeting. Alumni Helen Tueffel suggested we consider connecting with the Polish American diaspora to engage upcoming generations.
Foundation President Richard Day reported a summary of the Foundations work since the reunion in August 2024. The Foundation’s 501.c.3 not for profit status through a series of internal issues. They have reapplied in November and are awaiting further information from the IRS. They have 15 months to regain status and are closely monitoring the situation. The mission and objectives of the Foundation are untouched by the loss of the 501.c.3 status. The primary impact of its loss is donations are not able to be claimed as taxable deductions (except for state tax deductions for residents of Ohio).
The Foundation has recently closed the application submissions and have received three applications. They provide two scholarships per year for $2500 each. Basia Gdula Adams is the Vice President of the Foundation and she will be scheduling a meeting to arrange interviews shortly.
Director Marcia Pilkiewicz suggested that the presentation information from todays meeting be posted on the website.
Alumni Joan Tabor questioned why commendations of Outstanding Alumni has not been given in a long time.
Alumni Helen Tueffel asked about dates for Philadelphia reunion (October 3-5, 2025) and suggested the dates be shared among alumni very soon.
April 8, 2025 at 6:30 pm Cambridge Springs time.
Motion to adjourn by Louis Sitnik, second by Marcia Pilkiewicz. Motion carried; meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Susia Styborski, ACAA Secretary
Powerpoint Presentation presented in Meeting
Board Of Directors

Office Held Name Grad City/State
President Michael Anderson 1978 Torrance, Ca
Vice President Jim Koscielniak 1981 Aurora CO
Secretary Helen Tueffel 1980 Browns Summit NC
Treasurer Les Rachocki 1967 Sagamore Hills OH
Officer-ExOfficio Celeste ‘Mickie’ Mickiewicz 1967 Silver Springs FL
Parliamentarian Selene Szczepanek 1985 Westlake OH
Directors Term Expires
2018 Anna Biernacki Berry 1983 Jamestown, NY
2020 Basia Gdula Adams 1984 Richfield, OH Menu
2020 Richard Day 1985 Wadsworth, OH
2022 Aundrea Cika Heschmeye 1985 Girard, OH
2024 Randy Polovick 1981 South Bend,
Financial Overview Dennis Pilarski/Joan Rutkowski
Awards Committee: Selene Szczepanek
By-Laws Committee: Selene Szczepanek
Foundation & Scholarship: Richard Day
Membership: Eva Skibicki
Nominating Committee: Richard Day Parliamentarian
Publicity/Communications: Selene Szczepanek Aundrea Heschmeyer
Reunion Committee: ** Need A Volunteer ***
Webmaster: Elaine Rachocki & Mary Carr
Celeste Mickiewicz ‘67
Silver Springs FL
Craig Koryak ‘78
Gibsonia, PA
Yvonne Tuchalski ‘80
Gibsonia, PA
Term expires in 2016
Barbara (Gdula) Adams ’84
Richfield OH
Term expires 2020
Officer Ex-Officio
Bob Loop ‘65
Ocean Springs, MS
Vice President
Mike Anderson ‘78
Long Beach, CA
Assistant Treasurer
Les Rachocki ‘67
Sagamore Hills, OH
Sally (Domzalski) Day ‘’85
Wadsworth, OH
Mary Carr ‘84
Arlington, VA
Richard Day ’85
Wadsworth, OH
Term expires 2020
Audit: Joan Rutkowski
Awards Committee: Selene Szczepanek
By-Laws Committee: Selene Szczepanek
Foundation & Scholarship: Richard Day
Membership: Eva Skibicki
Nominating Committee: Richard Day
Selene Szczepanek
Aundrea Heschmeyer
Reunion Committee: Mike Anderson
Webmaster: Elaine Rachocki & Mary Carr
Celeste Mickiewicz, ’67
Silver Springs, FL
Term expires 2014
Vice President
Les Rachocki , ‘67
Sagamore Hills, OH
Term expires 2014
Michaeline Saladyga (Butwinski)‘72
Taunton, MA
Term expires 2014
Dennis Pilarski ‘72
Pittsburgh, PA
Term expires 2014
Michael Anderson ’78
Long Beach, CA
Term expires: 2016
James Koscielniak ’81
Aurora, CO
Term expires 2018
Tom Jarzab ‘
Rouseville, PA
Term expires: 2014
Selene Szczepanek ’85
Westlake, Oh
Term expires 2014
Yvonne Tuchalski ’80
Weirton, WV
Term expires 2016
Officer Ex-Officio
Bob Loop ‘65
Ocean Springs, MS
Stoney Mason
Nominating Committee:
Richard Day
Awards Committee:
Kristina Kwacz
By-Laws Committee:
Selene Szczepanek
Eva Skibicki
ACAA Scholarship:
Mary Alice Wisowaty
Aundrea Heschmeyer
General Meeting
Minutes of Board of Officers Meeting August 23, 2024
Officers in Attendance: Michael Anderson (1978), ACAA President; James Koscielniak (1981), ACAA Vice President; Susia Burgess Styborski (1983), ACAA Secretary; Marcia Pilkiewicz (1975), ACAA Director and Membership Chair; ACAA Director; Sally (Domzalski) Day (1985), ACAA Interim Treasurer and Foundation Secretary; Randy Polovick (1981), ACAA Director; Aundrea Cika-Heschmeyer (1985), ACAA Director; Richard Day (1985), Chair of Alliance College Alumni Association Foundation; Louis Sitnik, (1986), ACAA Director; Lori (Neese) Kolin (1987), ACAA Director.
Guest: Kathy (Polanski) Noce (1982) with Partnership Erie/Penn State – Behrend.
Meeting called to order at 4:07 pm in the Otter Room at the Erie Bayfront Sheraton Hotel by President Mike Anderson. All members attended the Otter Room with no one participating by Zoom.
This special meeting was called to discuss the RFP (Request for Proposal) for Alliance College Alumni Association (ACAA) website host. While Partnership Erie has re-built the website and helped the Board as an interim measure it was not intended to be a permanent solution to managing the website. Randy Polovick shared that the website committee sent out three project announcements requesting bids for maintaining the ACAA website. One response was received indicating the party was not interested in submitting a proposal. A second response was received which far exceeded our budget. The third response was from Marquee Creatives for a fee of $200 for service beginning September 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2025. It does not auto renew. It includes one hour per month of free services. Other services such as social media engagement could also be completed by Marquee Creatives staff at an additional fee. Marquee Creatives is a company owned by Alliance College Alumnus and ACAA Director Aundrea Cika Heschmeyer.
Aundrea reported her company would serve as web host and content manager. Plug-ins that ACAA already purchases for the website would continue to be needed. Sally Day asked if we would need to maintain the subscription to “Dreamhost” at an annual cost of $200. Aundrea reported no Marquee Creatives uses “GoDaddy” as host and would not need to utilize “Dreamhost”. Sally reported ACAA just paid for the “Dreamhost” subscription for year. Mike suggested Sally reach out to Dream host and see if we could have a partial refund. Sally agreed to try to do this.
Aundrea recused herself from the meeting at this point and the remaining members discussed the proposal.
Susia Styborski made a motion to hire Marquee Creatives as web host and content manager. Motion seconded by Lori Neese Kolin. Members discussed that the move to hire Marquee Creatives would be in the best interests of the Board, the move would be for the Boards own benefit, and is an extremely fair and reasonable proposal to accept. All in favor. Motion passed.
Discussion was held about the need for transparency with all that Marquee Creatives is owned by Aundrea Cika Heschmeyer and even with noting that fact there could still be a concern of a conflict of interest. Other comments were expressed that boards operate with conflicts of interest coming into play from time to time and if those conflicts of interest were handled appropriately and clearly disclosed there was no need to avoid contracts or transactions that involve a Board member. Noted that ACAA does not have a Conflict and Disclosure of Interest Policy but there was consensus that pursuing that would be a good move for the group to consider one going forward.
Richard Day made a motion that all officers or board members can have a business relation with the Board and benefit from such relationship and must recuse themselves from any decisions for votes related to their business. Lori Neese Kolin seconded the motion. Mike asked for a vote on the motion. 5 in favor, 2 opposed, motion passed.
Aundrea Cika Heschmeyer was invited back to the meeting and notified that Mike Anderson would be signing the contract to hire Marquee Creatives for a term through December 2025 at a cost of $200.
A final note was made as Mike reported he would like a post reunion meeting to discuss an agenda for the coming 2 years. All members agreed.
Motion by Rich to adjourn, second by Randy. Meeting adjourned at 5:11pm
Respectfully Submitted
Susia Burgess Styborski, ACAA Secretary
ACAA Board of Officers Meeting December 7, 2022
Board of Officers Meeting December 7, 2022
Officers in Attendance:
Michael Anderson (1978), ACAA President; James Koscielniak (1981), ACAA Vice President; Ed
Mohylowski (1976), ACAA Treasurer; Susia (Burgess) Styborski (1983), ACAA Secretary; Sally Day
(1985), ACAA Assistant Treasurer and Foundation Secretary; Randy Polovick (1981), ACAA Director;
Lori Neese Kolin (1987), ACAA Director; Marcia Pilkiewicz (1975), ACAA Director; Richard Day (1985),
President of Alliance College Alumni Association Foundation (Foundation);
Alumni in Attendance: Roberta (May) Polovick (1981)
Absent: Celeste “Mickie” Mickiewicz (1967), ACAA Officer Ex-Officio; Les Rachocki (1967), Foundation
Treasurer; Aundrea Cika-Heschmeyer (1985), ACAA Director; Louis P. Sitnik (1986), ACAA Director.
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm by Michael Anderson, President. President Anderson welcomed all in attendance and especially the newly elected officers and directors. He provided a review of the last meeting which was a reunion review with the previous board included.
Introductions were made by all in attendance with each person being asked to talk about their favorite Alliance College class. Michael Anderson – Business Law; Jim Koscielniak – Econ 201 and 202; Ed Mohylowski – American History; Marcia Pilkiewicz – Courses by Dr. Carter/English major; Randy
Polovick – Computer courses by Manross; Sally Day – Econ Strategy with Garbart; Rich Day – History
of Religion; Susia Styborski – Statistics with Mr. Page; Lori Kolin – Courses with Schiffer and Garbart
especially Business Law
Treasurer Report
A financial review was given at the previous meeting with the reunion figures. Ed Mohylowski, Treasurer, reported he has begun work with Chase with the goal to change the ACAA banking to a bank with a national imprint. There are branches in Ohio so making the transition to Chase should be seamless. The account will need an additional signature as the Treasurer cannot have the authorizing signature. Ed
noted that the account needs to maintain a balance of $7,000 for no cost banking. Sally Day reported she has finished all payments and credits and the balance of the account is $13481.83, and she will have a check made in that amount for transfer to the new account with Chase. Discussion was held regarding the balance and historically profits of the reunion were transferred to the Foundation. Jim Koscielniak suggested to hold off on the transfer of monies to the Foundation pending the major overhaul of the ACAA website that is needed.
Website Enhancements
Discussion on upgrading the website was held. All agreed we need to have an efficient and user friendly website, acknowledging it is the best way to connect with alumni. A website that is self-service for alumni to update their own information would improve the maintenance of the alumni directory. Various suggestions were made of alumni that may be able to help with the website upgrade. ACAA currently has a contract with Chet Federowicz as webmaster for maintaining the website. Sally will check his current contract for details and report at next meeting. Sally further reported she had received a message from alumni Kathy Polanski offering to help ACAA. Jim volunteered to reach out to Kathy to
determine where she can help. Sally and Randy agreed to work together on pulling together information for further discussion about the website upgrade at our next meeting. Website upgrade will be a priority project for the coming year.
Exchange Student Program
Tabled pending further research into the mechanics of how a program would work.
Jagiellonian University Joint Venture
There are many exchange programs already in existence through the Kosciuszko Foundation and Jagiellonian University. Jim provided a summary of his discussion with Regina Jaworski and her conversations with Jagiellonian University. Jim will continue discussions with Regina and summarize the proposed project for review at our next meeting.
ZOOM Account
Jim Koscielniak made a motion to purchase a ZOOM account for $16 a month with no time limits and up to 100 attendees. Motion was seconded by Ed Mohylowski. All in favor. Scheduling of the ZOOM meetings would be a sensible role for the ACAA secretary to provide. Almost all were in favor of this. Marcia Pilkiewicz and Sally Day volunteered to work with Susia to set up.
People Finder
Jim and Mike discussed using the People Finder program that was raised at the October 7 ACAA meeting. It is a subscription program used to find people based on known information such as previous addresses, maiden names, college attended. All agreed the alumni database needs to be up-dated to be accurate. It is approximately $180 a year. Mike agreed to contact Mickie to obtain the current list she has and forward it to Susia.
Larry Kozlowski
Larry spoke at the October ACAA meeting about the legacy of Alliance College. He is developing a list of suggestions for the promotion of the Alliance College legacy. Once the list is received it will be added to a future agenda.
2024 Reunion
Jim is working on a reunion timeline and has looked at venues for availability. Many spoke to the need to review and prioritize the feedback from the reunion survey and make decision on location and dates based on input, not necessarily what has been done in the past. Additionally, it was agreed the reunion committee does not have to be from within the Board and involvement from fellow alumni should be encouraged. Jim will update reunion information and get information from Mickie on reunion feedback for further discussion at the next meeting. Mike will ask alumni for interest in being part of reunion committee. Roberta and Marcia volunteered to be part of the 2024 Reunion Committee.
ACAA Summer Meeting
Jim offered to host the group in Chicago in August. Rich reminded the group that ACAA is planning a 2 week trip to Poland in Summer of 2023 and we should work around those dates. The dates for the Poland trip are being decided shortly. Date and location tabled until next meeting
Question was raised about what insurance coverage, if any, ACAA has that covers the Association and the individual directors and officers. Additional question related to what coverage is needed, if any, to protect ACAA for the Poland trip as a sponsor of the trip. Rich reported the trip is being planned by a Travel Agency and alumni and guests would book directly through the travel agency. Nonetheless it was the agreed that pursuing what insurance coverage we have and what insurance coverage we may need is a wise move. Agreed to discuss further at the next meeting. Next meeting via ZOOM will be set up and an invitation issued. Tentative date was discussed but will be announced pending member availability. Motion to close the meeting by Ed Mohylowski and seconded by Marcia Pilkiewicz. All in favor. Post Note: Next meeting scheduled for February 8, 2023 at 6:00 pm/Cambridge Springs time.
Officers in Attendance:
Michael Anderson, ACAA President; James Koscielniak, ACAA Vice President;
Sally Day (1985), ACAA Treasurer and Foundation Secretary; Randy Polovick (1981), ACAA Director;
Aundrea Cika-Heschmeyer (1985), ACAA Director; Celeste “Mickie” Mickiewicz (1967), ACAA Officer ExOfficio; Les Rachocki (1967), ACAA Assistant Treasurer and Foundation Treasurer; Basia Adams (184),
Director and Foundation Vice President; Richard Day (1985), President of Alliance College Alumni
Association Foundation (Foundation); Selene (Erickson) Szczepanek (1985), ACAA Parlimentarian.
Alumni in Attendance:
Al Purzycki (1977); Cathy (Zielinski) Purzycki (1977); Marcia Pilkiewicz (1975);
Jolanta (Kijakowska) Taylor (1969); Mel Kman (1962); Helene (Strzelecki) Rose (1969); Kathy
(Strzelecki) Branscomb (1969); Paul Pietroski (1981); Yvonne Tuchalski (1980); Susia (Burgess)
Styborski (1983); Carole Borak (1966); Stanley J. Saladyga, Jr. (1971); Michaelina Saladyga (1972);
Regina Jaworski (1970); Mary Zuk-Domanski (1968); Anna T. Berry (1983); Joanne Kusmierek (1963);
Irene Gramya (1965); David Matejczyk (1980); Michael Quinn (1976); Ed Mohylowski (1976); Louis P.
Sitnik (1986); Helen Tueffel (1980); Lori Neese Kolin (1987); Roberta (May) Polovick (1981); George
Alumni also attended via zoom.
The meeting was called to order with Michael Anderson, President, presiding.
Sally Day, Treasurer of the Association, gave the Treasurer’s report.
Reunion payments $19,800
Dues collected $ 1,900
Paypal fees $400 (approx.)
Website maint. $1000/year
PO Box $ 150/year
$ 380/year
Website maintenance fees, PO Box cost, and Quickbooks fees are annual expenses totaling about $1500 per year. These fees are required to maintain the organization. The only income is reunion payments and activities, and dues collected. We hope to raise additional funds through the raffles held at the Saturday events. Payments for the reunion weekend costs have not been paid yet. Sally will have final figures after the weekend is over.
Michael Anderson reviewed the ACAA mission. It is not just to plan events for the reunion. He asked the audience to provide ideas and thoughts on providing a strong future for the organization. Jim Koscielniak spoke about supporting a seed organization between Department of Conservation
(DOC) and ACAA to spread Polish pines and the legacy of Alliance College. Also suggested sponsoring an exchange program with Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Many in the audience spoke in support of this idea and how it could be pursued.
Helen Tueffel spoke about the Polish pines project. The pinecones of the Norway Spruce trees that are a part of the Alliance College campus are being collected and planted to become new trees. There are some pots available today at a cost of $30. Helen and David Mateyczyk recently toured the grounds accompanied by DOC personnel. David then spoke about the Alliance College legacy and provided more information about their recent tour. They were not allowed to take pictures but they saw the bridges and found the grotto. He emphasized the opportunity for this project to provide a legacy for years to come. Other members of the audience spoke about ways to spread the Polish pines project such as taking trees to PNA camp, and possibly PNA in Chicago. Regina Jaworski reported she was in Krakow three years ago and shared that associates at Jagiellonian University are interested in working with us starting something to keep Alliance College alive. She volunteered to keep communication with them to pursue this. Regina also spoke about making connections with Polish National Archives and Catholic University at Warsaw in efforts to preserve legacy of Alliance College.
Richard Day suggested the PNA in Chicago be considered as a possibility to house the Alliance College artifacts.
Ed Mohylowski suggested to work with Kosciuszko Foundation, the original source of the venture between Alliance College and Jagiellonian University.
Les Rachocki suggested Regina and Jim come together to research a joint venture between Alliance College and Jagiellonian University to include topics such as costs, and groups to help support the project.
Basia Adams reported the director of Jagiellonian University was one of her professors and agreed to be a conduit to a collaboration between ACAA and Jagiellonian University. She suggested a visit to Jagiellonian University next summer if a group trip is feasible.
Susia Burgess Styborski spoke about ways to increase communication between alumni and ACCA and Alliance College Foundation. Some Alliance friends do not receive any communication from ACAA or even know about AC activities. She works with a program “People Finder” for her high school reunion committee. The program costs $20/month and she would be willing to try to find “lost” alumni and reach out to them to pursue their possible interest in re-connecting. Mickie Mickiewicz spoke up that she maintains the database for the alumni and she would share the information she has with Susia. Michael Anderson read a message sent by zoom attendee, Larry Kozlowski, suggesting to bond with University of Pittsburgh because they hold the artifacts from Alliance College. Many in audience spoke on the topic. The books have been viewed in the basement. Ben Kman reported he has helped move books and they were shelved in Hillman Library at Pitt. Yvonne Tuchalski reported that on a recent visit the books were not shelved as they were not being used. Yvonne agreed to share information with Ben. Larry Kozlowski spoke via zoom about several topics for follow-up to preserve the legacy of Alliance College.
Basia Adams reported her contacts with Polish National Alliance (PNA) have all been favorable and they are open to publishing articles in the Zgoda, their newspaper. PNA donated pens for the alumni lanyards for this weekend.
Michael Anderson reported that the Officers will meet in the coming weeks to have a recap of todays meeting to further discuss these ideas.
Elections were held with Mickie Mickiewicz presiding. Selene Szczepanek assisted. During the election process a motion was made by Susia Burgess Styborski to expand Directors to include 2 for 2026 term and 2 for 2028 term. Second by Selene Szczepanek. Motion passed.
The election results are as follows:
President Michael Anderson
Vice President James Koscielniak
Secretary Susia Burgess Styborski
Treasurer Ed Mohylowski
Directors Louis Sitnik (2028)
Marcia Pilkiewicz (2028)
Lori Neese Kolin (2026)
Directors continuing in place through the end of their current terms include:
Randy Polovick (2024)
Aundrea Cika-Heschmeyer (2026)
Sally Day reported interest in serving as Assistant Treasurer as Les Rachocki is moving to North
Carolina soon. Assistant Treasurer is an appointed position.
Motion to adjourn was made by Selene Szczepanek, seconded by Mickie Mickiewicz. Meeting adjourned
at 12:38 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susia Burgess Styborski, Secreta
Special Board Meeting
Via Zoom/Telephone Conference
Saturday, April 17, 2021 – 11 AM EDT
Board members present (All terms except Helen’s expire until elections are held at the next Reunion as
determined by majority vote at March 15 meeting).
Directors present (All terms expire until elections are held at the next Reunion as determined by majority
vote at March 15 meeting)
President: Mike Anderson
Vice President: James ‘Jim’ Koscielniak
Secretary: Helen Tueffel (Since resigned, position open)
Treasurer: Sally Day
Officer Ex-Officio: Celeste ‘Mickie’ Mickiewicz
ACAA Assistant Treasurer: Les Rachocki
Mike Anderson called the meeting to order at 11 a.m
Alumni Poll Results and Discussion About August Reunion
The special meeting was called to review the results of a poll of alumni that was decided upon during the
March 15 meeting/call, and to reach a decision regarding holding the rescheduled Reunion in late
August of 2021.
Helen Tueffel presented the poll results, the full spreadsheet with names of respondents (where
provided), comments is provided separately:
Very Likely: 29
Likely: 15
Somewhat Likely: 20
Neutral: 4
Somewhat Unlikely: 14
Unlikely: 16
Very Unlikely: 10
Based on the responses indicating an interest of the majority, Helen also gave an update on the
protocols that the proposed venues were following and expected to follow related to COVID.
Following discussion by the board, the Board of Directors voted to cancel the 2021 Reunion, with no
plans to reschedule at present.
Votes to cancel (“yay”): Les Rachocki, Celeste ‘Mickie’ Mickiewicz, Sally Day, Richard Day, Aundrea
Heschmeyer, Randy Polovick, Barb Adams and Anna Berry.
Votes not to cancel (“nay”): Mike Anderson, Jim Koscielniak and Helen Tueffel
Meeting adjourned at 11:57 a.m.
Related Items
Helen Tueffel subsequently cancelled all contracts and liabilities with the Sheraton Erie Bayfront, the
Erie Yacht Club, Rupp Limousines, and Victorian Princess Cruises. Deposit from Rupp was refunded
except for $45 which was retained by contract for cancellation.
Helena Jolanta Tueffel
Former Secretary
ACAA Meeting Minutes March 15, 2021
Via Zoom Conference
Sunday, March 15, 2021 – 1 PM EDT
President: Mike Anderson
Vice President: James ‘Jim’ Koscielniak
Secretary: Helen Tueffel
Treasurer: Sally Day
Officer Ex-Offcio: Celeste ‘Mickie’ Mickiewicz
ACAA Assistant Treasurer: Les Rachocki
Directors Present:
Basia Adams (Terms Extended Until next election)
Richard Day (Terms Extended Until next election)
Aundrea Heschmeyer (Term Expires 2022)
Randy Polovick (Term Expiries 2024)
Directors Absent:
Anna Berry (Term Expires 2022)
President Michael ‘Mike’ Anderson called the meeting to order at 1:04 PM EDT
Officers and Directors Term Extensions
Les brought up that most of the officers and directors terms have expired because we have not had a meeting with an opportunity to elect officers/directors. Randy made a motion to extend everyone’s current office for convenience until we have another meeting with election. Motion was seconded and passed.
Sally prepared and presented a Treasurer’s report:
Current cash in our checking account is $8015.71.
A few highlights:
– We received 14 membership renewals for $1,310, including one life-time membership for $500.
– We issued a deposit for Rupp Auto Delivery Service $449.50 for our reunion. If we do not move forward with the reunion this year, I suggest that we ask for our deposit back.
– We have ongoing website expenses of $480 / year for maintenance and $195 hosting fee.
– We spent $200 on flowers for Mrs. Haluch’s funeral and $92 for a post office box.
The previous decision to move forward with the Reunion was revisited because pandemic issues related to gatherings, travel and personal safety are not fully resolved. Discussion was had and all members present provided their concerns and pros/cons. It was decided that Helen would create a short survey to gauge interest in timing of the Reunion, and Mickie and Helen would distribute the survey via the email list and other methods. Mid-April we will meet again as a board with the results of the survey and make a decision.
Sally provided a membership update because she is tracking the renewal dues that she is receiving as
Treasurer. We have 14 members plus the lifetime members listed below:
Basia Adams (Gdula) ’84
Robert Dassel ‘68
Sally Day (Domalski) ’85
Richard Day ’85
Denise Hamar ’75
James Koscielniak ’81
Eva Skibicki (Rusin) ‘71
Edward J. Tyburczy ‘71
Mary Irene Weegee Ujda ‘69
Gladys Beit-Ishoo Wagers ‘58
Mary Zuk ‘68
We agreed to continue to promote the membership renewals, and include a promotion in the email to be
sent out by Mickie with the Reunion survey.
Randy recommended that we work on a PayPal payment capability on the website. Helen will talk to
Chet and coordinate with Sally
ACAA Foundation Update
Richard and Les provided an update on the ACAA Foundation including detailed financials from year end 2020 and YTD 2021. There were 8 donors, and positive gains in the value of the Foundation’s portfolio. Ideas were raised about increasing the value of scholarships, the number of scholarships, or both. Richard said that the ACAA Foundation board will be brought together in a meeting soon and he will report back to the ACAA Board at our next meeting about the recommendations and decisions made.
Other Topics
Basia gave an update on her planning of a Poland trip. We need an alumni event – Reunion – to promote the Poland trip once it is scheduled, as well as to get donations for the ACAA Foundation Scholarship Fund. There were no New Business Items.
Meeting adjourned at 2:12 p.m.
Helena Jolanta Tueffel
ACAA Meeting Minutes October 17, 2020
Board Meeting
Via Telephone Conference
Saturday, October 17, 2020 – 11 AM EDT
Mike Anderson
Helen Tueffel
Sally Day
Celeste ‘Mickie’ Mickiewicz
Les Rachocki
Richard Day
Aundrea Heschmeyer
Randy Polovick
Basia Adams
Anna Berry
Board members absent:
Reunion Announcement Letter
Letter announcing late August 2021 Reunion was attached to the agenda email. Mickie made the motion to approve the letter, Les second, motion passed unopposed. Helen, Aundrea and Celeste to handle getting the letter to alumni via email, social media and ACAA website.
Membership Drive, Tracking and Effective Term for Renewing Members Discussion about membership included update on how many lifetime members there are, how we track members. Other than the 10 lifetime members, only one person paid membership dues in the last two years, meaning that all other alumni are not current on membership dues. Idea was brought up as part of the 2021 membership drive that anyone renewing membership in 2020 or by the 2021 Reunion would be paid through the next calendar year (December 31, 2022), or the appropriate year based on number of years renewed. No physical mailing would be done, but all electronic methods (email list, social media and ACAA website) would be used to promote the drive. Anyone renewing for two or more years gets their choice of print of Polish Pond or Riverside Inn, Mickie made the motion to approve the drive. Helen second. Motion passed unopposed. Sally would keep track of memberships going forward in a spreadsheet. Facebook Site Consolidation Aundrea will work on consolidating the Facebook sites for the Association.
Meeting adjourned at 12:09 EDT.
Gene “Moose” Doman
2020 Board of Directors Report
ACAA Meeting Minutes July 27, 2019
Regular Quarterly Meeting
Via Telephone Conference
Saturday, July 27, 2019 – 11 AM EST
President Michael ‘Mike’ Anderson called the meeting to order at 12:03 PM EST.
Board members present (Terms expire 2020)
President Mike Anderson
Vice President James ‘Jim’ Koscielniak
Secretary Helen Tueffel
Treasurer Leslie ‘Les’ Rachocki
Officer Ex-Officio Celeste ‘Mickie’ Mickiewicz
Directors present:
Basia Adams (Term expires 2020)
Sally Day and Richard Day (Term expires 2020)
Aundrea Heschmeyer (Term expires 2022)
Randy Polovick (Term expires 2022)
Directors absent:
Anna Berry (Term expires 2022)
Also Present:
Sally Day
Roberta Polovick
Introduction and Approval of Last Meeting Minutes Mike Anderson Mike Anderson called the meeting to order at 11:01 a.m., welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked all for taking time to attend. Mike also brought to everyone’s attention that Sally Day had volunteered her candidacy for the ACAA Treasurer position which is being vacated by Les Rachocki. Les will continue on indefinitely as Treasurer of the ACAA Foundation, however. The last meeting’s minutes were not recorded, however an agenda was reviewed to cover topics of interest for the current meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Les Rachocki
Due to the logistics of travel, Les did not provide a Treasurer’s report. The report will be made at the
Alumni meeting on August 24 in Erie, PA. th
Treasurer Candidacy: Discussion
Celeste moved to nominate Sally Day as ACAA Treasurer. Les seconded. The motion passed
ACAA Survey Report: Helen Tueffel
Helen reviewed a survey that was launched on June 5 and closed on June 31 to poll alumni on how
the ACAA is fulfilling its mission. The Powerpoint is attached to the email cover for these minutes.
Discussion following the presentation is summarized as follows:
1. Aundrea said she had been contacted by someone who is organizing an independent regional
reunion in New Jersey, who didn’t know that there were national reunions. This underscores the
need to communicate more effectively on the reunion on to the alumni in general.
2. Celeste and Helen will create a heat map of alumni home regions so we can review the possibility
of some regional events.
3. Mike agreed to develop a quarterly “President’s Corner” communication.
4. Fundraising outreach for the scholarship foundation as well as solicitation of proposals for
scholarship candidates will be accelerated.
5. Celeste committed to creating a scholarship outreach rough draft for Aundrea to review.
6. The summary survey results, as well as concrete plans to address any areas of concern, will be
presented at the August 24 alumni meeting.
Website: Jim Koscielniak
Jim has worked with Chet to launch the 2019 solicitation for applicants for the ACAA Foundation
scholarship. An online application is now available. So far, no completions of the application. Promotion
will continue and all board members are encourage to spread the word!
Les and Sally will be copied on all website activity related to the Foundation.
August Alumni Meeting: Helen Tueffel and Jim Koscielniak
Helen Tueffel and Jim Koscielniak provide an overview of the activities for the alumni meeting in Erie,
August 22-25.
1. Mike Anderson is creating an agenda which Helen will format, send in advance, and have
available for the meeting.
2. Thursday the 22 , at 3 p.m., all board members are invited to join Helen when she meets with
Edie Joint Luniewski of the Zabawa Festival at the Holy Trinity Church social center regarding
2020 planning should we decide to hold our reunion that weekend. I recommend that David
Matejczyk be part of the meeting so I will reach out to him (Helen Tueffel)
3. Thursday, the 22 , at 4:30, there will be a meeting with the catering manager of the Erie Yacht
Club. Jim Koscieniak and Helen Tueffel are the guests of John Wroblewski, who is a member of
the Club.
4. Friday morning, August 23 , there are two site visits. One at 9 and one at 11, of the two venues
being considered for the 2020 reunion. Helen Tueffel needs to know if anyone wants to join and
will send the meeting invitation. Email me at:
5. Friday at 5 p.m. is a social event at the new Riverside Brewing Company. If interested in
attending, please let Jim or Helen know.
6. Saturday morning is the alumni meeting: Comprehensive agenda to follow.
7. Zabawa details are here:
8. Aundrea is unable to attend in August.
New Business
Next Meeting
August 24th, Erie, PA; Mirage Meeting Room, Hilton Garden Inn; 8 am. to 12 pm.
Motion to adjourn was made and seconded; we adjourned at 12:04 p.m. Eastern Time.
Helena Jolanta Tueffel
ACAA Meeting Minutes August 24, 2019
Annual Alumni Meeting
Hilton Garden Inn
Erie, PA
Saturday, August 24, 2019 – 9 AM EDT
President Michael ‘Mike’ Anderson called the meeting to order at 9:35 AM EDT PM EST
Board members present (Terms expire 2020)
President Mike Anderson
Vice President James ‘Jim’ Koscielniak
Secretary Helen Tueffel
Treasurer Leslie ‘Les’ Rachocki (transitioning to Sally Day)
Officer Ex-Officio Celeste ‘Mickie’ Mickiewicz
Directors present:
Basia Adams (Term expires 2020)
Richard Day (Term expires 2020)
Anna Berry (Term expires 2022)
Randy Polovick (Term expires 2024)
Directors absent:
Aundrea Heschmeyer (Term expires 2022)
Also Present:
Felicia Bruce
Milt Bruce
Pat Jarzab
Cindy Jarzab
Regina Jaworski
Edward Kacprzyk
Christine Pawlowski
Roberta Polovick
Elaine Rachocki
Ray Uscinski
Kathleen Zinchiak
Mary Zuk
Mike Anderson called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m., welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked all for taking time to attend.
Mickie moved to approve the July 27 meeting minutes, Les seconded, and the motion passed unopposed.
Les summarized the Financials for the attendees. Due to confidentiality, financial details are not published in this record.
Randy moved to approve the financial report, Mickie seconded, and the motion passed unopposed. Introduction and Approval of Last Meeting
Mike Anderson
Treasurer’s Report Les Rachocki
New Treasurer Mike Anderson
Mike thanked Les for his years of diligent service as Treasurer for the Association and explained that he continues as Treasurer for the ACAA Foundation. Sally Day is now the Treasurer for the Association. She was elected by the board on July 27 , 2019. Richard provided an update on the Foundation and the meeting that took place from 8 to 9 prior to the Association meeting. Basia explained that a Polish Heritage Tour is being arranged as a Foundation Fundraiser in 2021. Details to follow. Richard updated those present on the financials of the Foundation,
which is in good standing with assets. Details withheld due to confidentiality. The Foundation board voted on the 2019 recipient. Details and decision withhold due to confidentiality. Mickie said the membership list is improving consistently, with only one bad address from the last
communication. Mike asked for ideas on how to build membership, asking everyone to work their network.
Aundrea was not present and so the report was not given. However, Mike thanked Aundrea and Chet for their work in promoting the ACAA and the Scholarship. Jim recapped that the online scholarship application is in place and that the online reunion registration, optimally with a PayPal payment option, should be used once the 2020 Reunion is announced.
Helen reviewed a survey that was launched on June 5th and closed on June 31st to poll alumni on how the ACAA is fulfilling its mission. 104 responded.
Key findings were:
• 93 of the respondents answered that ACAA was fulfilling its mission to promote the culture of the Polish
people through the alumni, staff and friends and their life experiences.
• Polish/American identity, friends and colleagues, and academic programs were the top three
connections respondents have to the ACAA
• While 66 respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with ACAA communications, 31 were somewhat
satisfied or neutral with communications.
• For those who had not attended reunions, the main reasons were distance, timing, or their peer group
not being there.
Recommendations from the survey are:
• Get on a regular publishing schedule with the newsletter
• Promotional program for ACAA Foundation scholarship
• Continue improving website
Foundation and Scholarship Richard Day
Membership Mickie Mickiewicz
Publicity and Communications Mike Anderson
Reunion Survey and Reunion Planning Helen Dziob Tueffel
• Review reunion suggestions at next board meeting and establish list of priorities and responsible
Helen and Jim went over options for dates, locations, and activities for the reunion. Two properties were visited and information on pros and cons was shared with the attendees. Mike took a vote for suggested new dates and locations. New dates were agreed to; a location was decided subject to final negotiations with the property. The reunion committee will be formed and a proposed weekend agenda presented at
the next board meeting/call. Once finalized, the promotion of the reunion will begin ASAP. No old business.
Regina provided an update on the Jagellonian activities in 2020. There is interest in a delegation to come to Poland in May 2020, and for a Polish delegation to come to NW PA in June. Following group discussion, it was recommended that Basia debrief in detail with Regina and bring the visits to the attention of the PNA at their convention immediately following the ACAA meeting in Phoenix, AZ.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:54 a.m