General Meeting


Quarterly Meeting   January 14, 2025

Officers in Attendance:

Michael Anderson (1978), ACAA President; Aundre’a Cika-Heschmeyer (1985), ACAA Vice President; Louis Sitnik, (1986), ACAA Treasurer; Susia (Burgess) Styborski (1983), ACAA Secretary; Marcia Pilkiewicz (1975), ACAA Director and Membership Chair; Randy Polovick (1981), ACAA Director; Kathy (Polanski) Noce (1982), Director; Mary Ann Posanski (1976), Director; Lori Neese Kolin (1987), ACAA Director, Richard Day (1985), Chair of Alliance College Alumni Association Foundation.   

Alumni in attendance: Roberta Polovick, Helen Tueffel, Joan Tabor

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by Michael Anderson, President. President Anderson welcomed everyone with extra thanks given to the alumni attending the first quarterly open meeting. President Anderson explained the Board has been working with a high level of energy and in addition to focusing on the upgrade of the website and membership enrollment and engagement has wholeheartedly developed a schedule of quarterly open meetings based on discussions at the 2024 reunion and following the reunion through survey feedback indicating that alumni would be interested in more Board engagement. Quarterly meetings are scheduled for 2025 as follows: January 14, April 8, July 8, October 14.

 Introductions of the officers and directors were given.

The minutes of August 23, 2024 were distributed via email to all officers and directors and posted on the ACAA website ( A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Director Kathy Noce, seconded by Treasurer Lou Sitnik. Motion carried.


Treasurer Louis Sitnik reported he took over as Treasurer in September 2024 following elections at the 2024 reunion. Cash position as of January 13, 2025 is $2693.76 in checking; $15,512.06 in savings for a total of $18,115.82. Revenue of $1345.00 from dues since the reunion, and $1437.38 from merchandise sales. Expenses include: $159.90 annual Zoom license; $563.43 Quickbooks subscription; $1963.50 Marquee Creative for marketing activities including web redesign; and $56.08 Paypal fees. The Board recognized Director Mary Ann Posanski for her generous donation of seed money to the merchandise project.  

MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT (Marcia Pilkiewicz Membership Committee chairperson)

Director Marcia Pilkiewicz reported 78 total paid memberships, including 4 one-year memberships, 52 two year memberships, and 22 lifetime memberships. Director Pilkiewicz added that alumni should be aware that membership dues provides for: content and maintenance of website (; delivery of alumni engagement content through social media platforms; cover costs associated with Alliance College memorabilia; reunion venue deposits; and other miscellaneous expenses as noted in Treasurer report.  Reminders to renew will be sent to those alumni that had 1 year memberships and are now expired. Memberships can be paid to Marcia via the website or to her mailing address, Marcia Pilkiewicz, 1252 Woodcrest Circle, Bloomfield Township, MI  48304.

WEBSITE (Committee: Randy Polovick, Kathy Noce, Aundre’a Cika Heschmeyer, Mike Anderson)

Director Randy Polovick reported the website committee continues to meet and are researching other websites to see what premier websites look like. It is the hope that continued improvements to the website will raise the content and features to that of other premier websites, while at the same time being user friendly to our alumni population. We are working with Marquee Creatives, led by alumni Aundre’a Cika Heschmeyer, and have developed a menu of things that can be done to improve the website with a quoted cost of $5100. With the limited ACAA funds, the Board has prioritized one item from the menu; making the website user friendly including use of the membership directory. Director Kathy Noce  commented on the value of our relationship with Marquee Creatives is immeasurable as her broad experience and expertise in the field of IT and web development recognizes the costs that we would be facing to do the same web activities with any other agency.

President Mike Anderson that we are establishing donor sponsorships of the upgrade of the website with four levels designated as follows: Platinum at $1000, Gold at $500, Silver at $250, and Bronze at $100. President Anderson has made the first pledge at the Platinum level to begin the initiative, and he has received word from a fellow alumni that will also be pledging at the Platinum level. Checks should be made payable to Alliance College Alumni Association and mailed to Louis Sitnik at 16939 Horn Point Dr., Gaithersburg MD 20878.

Alumni Helen Tueffel recommended we consider a capital campaign to the current mailing list.


Vice President Aundre’a Cika Heschmeyer reported a monthly newsletter is being sent to our master list. Each newsletter contains a message from the President, merchandise purchasing information, and updates from the ACAA Foundation.  Analytics provided by Marquee Creatives show encouraging numbers with very high “open” numbers 50-60% which is not a level reached with many newsletter distributions. Alumni Helen Tueffel reported she has lists of friends we may have to reach out to personally with these initiatives as they are unaware of them. She also recommended that the invites for the quarterly meetings be sent out ahead of each meeting.

 2026 REUNION (Roberta Polovick chairperson)

Alumni Roberta Polovick reported the 2026 ACAA Reunion is secured for the Sheraton Bayfront on October 23-25, 2026. All activities will be based out of the Sheraton Bayfront property which is in response we received from feedback showing the logistics of using the Convention Center for some activities which created distance concerns for some alumni and general inconvenience for most. We have a quoted cost of $179 for room rates which is the same as 2024 rates we were given. “Save the Date” notifications will be going out soon to alumni.

 2025 REUNION  (2025 reunion team Aundre’a Cika Heschmeyer, Randy Polovick, Marcia Pilkiewicz, Kathy Noce)

A reunion in Philadelphia in October of 2025 is in the planning stages. This would be a casual event pairing it with the Pulaski Day celebrations held the weekend of October 3-5. We would hold the annual meeting at this time as well. More details to come soon.


An exit strategy is a proactive document that high functioning businesses and organizations develop and maintain. The Board has begun work on a draft Legacy Preservation document and will be having a focused meeting at the February 2025 Board of Directors meeting.  Alumni Helen Tueffel suggested we consider connecting with the Polish American diaspora to engage upcoming generations.


Foundation President Richard Day reported a summary of the Foundations work since the reunion in August 2024. The Foundation’s 501.c.3 not for profit status through a series of internal issues. They have reapplied in November and are awaiting further information from the IRS. They have 15 months to regain status and are closely monitoring the situation. The mission and objectives of the Foundation are untouched by the loss of the 501.c.3 status. The primary impact of its loss is donations are not able to be claimed as taxable deductions (except for state tax deductions for residents of Ohio).

The Foundation has recently closed the application submissions and have received three applications. They provide two scholarships per year for $2500 each. Basia Gdula Adams is the Vice President of the Foundation and she will be scheduling a meeting to arrange interviews shortly.


Director Marcia Pilkiewicz suggested that the presentation information from todays meeting be posted on the website.

Alumni Joan Tabor questioned why commendations of Outstanding Alumni has not been given in a long time.

Alumni Helen Tueffel asked about dates for Philadelphia reunion (October 3-5, 2025) and suggested the dates be shared among alumni very soon.


April 8, 2025 at 6:30 pm Cambridge Springs time.

Motion to adjourn by Louis Sitnik, second by Marcia Pilkiewicz. Motion carried; meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully Submitted


Susia Styborski, ACAA Secretary

Powerpoint Presentation presented in Meeting


Board Of Directors


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