General Meeting


Minutes of Board of Officers Meeting   August 23, 2024

Officers in Attendance: Michael Anderson (1978), ACAA President; James Koscielniak (1981), ACAA Vice President; Susia Burgess Styborski (1983), ACAA Secretary; Marcia Pilkiewicz (1975), ACAA Director and Membership Chair; ACAA Director; Sally (Domzalski) Day (1985), ACAA Interim Treasurer and Foundation Secretary; Randy Polovick (1981), ACAA Director;   Aundrea Cika-Heschmeyer (1985), ACAA Director; Richard Day (1985), Chair of Alliance College Alumni Association Foundation; Louis Sitnik, (1986), ACAA Director; Lori (Neese) Kolin (1987), ACAA Director.

Guest: Kathy (Polanski) Noce (1982) with Partnership Erie/Penn State – Behrend.

Meeting called to order at 4:07 pm in the Otter Room at the Erie Bayfront Sheraton Hotel by President Mike Anderson. All members attended the Otter Room with no one participating by Zoom.

This special meeting was called to discuss the RFP (Request for Proposal) for Alliance College Alumni Association (ACAA) website host. While Partnership Erie has re-built the website and helped the Board as an interim measure it was not intended to be a permanent solution to managing the website. Randy Polovick shared that the website committee sent out three project announcements requesting bids for maintaining the ACAA website. One response was received indicating the party was not interested in submitting a proposal. A second response was received which far exceeded our budget. The third response was from Marquee Creatives for a fee of $200 for service beginning September 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2025. It does not auto renew. It includes one hour per month of free services. Other services such as social media engagement could also be completed by Marquee Creatives staff at an additional fee. Marquee Creatives is a company owned by Alliance College Alumnus and ACAA Director Aundrea Cika Heschmeyer.

Aundrea reported her company would serve as web host and content manager. Plug-ins that ACAA already purchases for the website would continue to be needed. Sally Day asked if we would need to maintain the subscription to “Dreamhost” at an annual cost of $200. Aundrea reported no Marquee Creatives uses “GoDaddy” as host and would not need to utilize “Dreamhost”. Sally reported ACAA just paid for the “Dreamhost” subscription for year. Mike suggested Sally reach out to Dream host and see if we could have a partial refund. Sally agreed to try to do this.

Aundrea recused herself from the meeting at this point and the remaining members discussed the proposal.

Susia Styborski made a motion to hire Marquee Creatives as web host and content manager. Motion seconded by Lori Neese Kolin. Members discussed that the move to hire Marquee Creatives would be in the best interests of the Board, the move would be for the Boards own benefit, and is an extremely fair and reasonable proposal to accept. All in favor. Motion passed.

Discussion was held about the need for transparency with all that Marquee Creatives is owned by Aundrea Cika Heschmeyer and even with noting that fact there could still be a concern of a conflict of interest. Other comments were expressed that boards operate with conflicts of interest coming into play from time to time and if those conflicts of interest were handled appropriately and clearly disclosed there was no need to avoid contracts or transactions that involve a Board member. Noted that ACAA does not have a Conflict and Disclosure of Interest Policy but there was consensus that pursuing that would be a good move for the group to consider one going forward.

Richard Day made a motion that all officers or board members can have a business relation with the Board and benefit from such relationship and must recuse themselves from any decisions for votes related to their business. Lori Neese Kolin seconded the motion. Mike asked for a vote on the motion. 5 in favor, 2 opposed, motion passed.

Aundrea Cika Heschmeyer was invited back to the meeting and notified that Mike Anderson would be signing the contract to hire Marquee Creatives for a term through December 2025 at a cost of $200.

A final note was made as Mike reported he would like a post reunion meeting to discuss an agenda for the coming 2 years. All members agreed.

Motion by Rich to adjourn, second by Randy. Meeting adjourned at 5:11pm

Respectfully Submitted
Susia Burgess Styborski, ACAA Secretary  

Board Of Directors


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