Reunion Survey Results: Insights from Attendees and Non-Attendees

The 2024 Alliance College Alumni Association (ACAA) Reunion was a special event, bringing together alumni and guests for a weekend of reconnecting and reminiscing. To help shape future reunions, we conducted two surveys: one for those who attended and another for those who did not. The results provided valuable insights into the overall experience and areas for improvement.

Feedback from Attendees

Among the attendees, the feedback was positive, with most attendees rating the reunion highly. However, there were a few notable suggestions for improvement:

  • Friday Evening Mixer: Some attendees expressed a desire for more structured activities to unite different generations of alumni. Ideas like icebreakers, family-friendly games, or interactive activities like “Family Feud” or “Wheel of Fortune” were suggested to encourage mingling.
  • Event Logistics: Feedback was provided about the convenience of having a map included in the welcome bags to help attendees navigate the venue. Additionally, some were frustrated by the lack of notice that the cash bar didn’t accept cash, only credit cards.
  • Saturday Events: The Saturday morning meetings received mixed reviews. While some found the sessions informative and respectful, others felt the electronic voting process was confusing, especially for those attending virtually. Several attendees suggested name cards for easier identification and comment cards for feedback during meetings.
  • Saturday Afternoon Workshops: The Polish Pines Presentation and Genealogy Workshop were poorly attended. Some attendees indicated that the afternoon events could be scaled back or replaced with more casual social activities.
  • Saturday Evening Reception & Dinner: Attendees enjoyed the evening event but made suggestions for improvement, such as using a music playlist like Spotify instead of hiring a DJ and offering fun table activities to foster more interaction. Several respondents also felt the venue space could be smaller and less expensive.

Most attendees felt the reunion was a good value for the money, though some suggested eliminating items like tote bags and drink mugs to save costs. The Sheraton hotel accommodations received generally positive feedback, although signage and navigation within the venue could be improved for easier access.

Insights from Non-Attendees

Most non-attendees expressed interest in attending future reunions but cited several reasons for missing the 2024 event:

  • Main Reasons for Not Attending: Some alumni mentioned they didn’t know anyone who would be attending or that there were few attendees from their era. Location and timing also played a role, with several respondents indicating that the summer schedule conflicted with other personal commitments.
  • Interest in Future Reunions: Many non-attendees said they would be more likely to attend future reunions if they knew the names of attendees in advance. Some also suggested that a different location or time of year could make it easier for them to participate.
  • Preferred Timing and Location: While opinions varied on the best timing for future reunions, several respondents favored holding the event in the fall when hotel rates might be lower and fewer competing events like weddings and vacations. Erie, where the 2024 reunion was held, received mixed reactions as a location, with some respondents preferring alternatives closer to their homes or other familiar areas.

Common Themes and Suggestions

Across both surveys, there were several recurring themes:

  • Location & Accessibility: Whether they attended or not, many alumni stressed the importance of choosing a location that minimizes walking and provides easy access for those with mobility challenges. Some suggested keeping all events at the same hotel to reduce the need for transportation.
  • Social Interaction: Attendees and non-attendees expressed a desire for more social and informal activities to encourage interaction and make the reunion fun. Icebreakers, games, or even activities like “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” were suggested to help break down generational barriers.
  • Timing & Costs: There was strong support for holding future reunions in the fall to avoid the busy summer months and potentially reduce hotel rates. Some alumni also suggested cost-saving measures, such as making goodie bags optional or cutting down on expenses for entertainment and venues.

Looking Ahead

The 2024 reunion was, by all accounts, a success, but the feedback we’ve gathered will help us improve future events. We are committed to making the next reunion more enjoyable and accessible for all alumni. Whether it’s enhancing event logistics, adding more social activities, or adjusting the timing and location, we are listening to your suggestions.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback. Your input is essential in helping us keep the spirit of Alliance College alive, and we look forward to welcoming even more of you to the next reunion!

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